Monday, 30 March 2015

Trevor Noah

So, it's just been confirmed that Trevor Noah is going to be the new host of the Daily Show, and in all the midst of the #whothefuckistrevornoah idiocy that's already reared it's head, I've got to say it's not that bad of a choice.

I mean, filling Jon Stewart's shoes is- it goes without saying- an almost impossible job to do. And yet I'm not without hope; after all John Oliver did an excellent job covering last year whilst Jon was away directing Rosewater, and there's no reason to suppose that somebody else couldn't do an equally competent job. I'd have preferred Jessica Williams, but she ruled herself out of the race pretty early.

Some people have made the 'rats jumping ship' comment, what with Oliver, Stewart, Sam Bee and Jason Jones all leaving in a relatively short space of time. Of course, with such an established show there's plenty of comedic presenting talent that will show itself- the real test is whether the writers of the show can still do the consistently excellent job they've been doing already. 

If you're unfamiliar with Trevor Noah, I can highly recommend checking out the episode of the Daily Show podcast on which he appeared; you get a real sense of his journey as a comedian from apartheid South Africa, and get a real sense of his warmth and humility as a human being. Good luck, Trevor!

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